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Thank you for dropping in. This is a calm place where I post articles I have written about relationships and personal issues. The articles acknowledge the fact that we all face difficult challenges at some time in our lives and we need to support each other. I hope you find them of assistance in your own joys and struggles. Please feel free to comment and I will endeavour to always reply. I wish you, your friends and families good health, nurturing relationships, the precious gift of resilience – and all the best for all of those things in the coming year.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

So where did I get this sense of responsibility, this idea that I need to look after people, this loyalty? My astrology-buff friends would say it's in my stars. I think it is more in my upbringing, and in my place as a middle child. Middle children are the renowned diplomats and peacemakers. But as well as that it comes from being influenced by my father's sense of sticking to his principals. He thought about principals and lived by them. It almost seems quaint and old-fashioned now, but it gave me a real sense of security as a kid. He had a strong sense of right and wrong; I remember feeling very secure knowing that. Sure, he had his flaws, but he was strong, reliable and he would be there when I needed him. He could not offer an abundance of financial security, but he did offer emotional security and values, which I feel now were more important. Sometimes feeling responsible for others can be a weight and can cause us to ignore our own needs at some expense to ourselves. We have to learn, sometimes the hard way, that it is not a bad thing to put ourselves first. I don't mean in a selfish way, but in an assertive way that is better for everyone. Being able to set healthy boundaries provides a healthy role model for those around us. Let me share this idea of responsibility with you. I can't recall where I first came across this quote, but it has certainly stuck in my brain: "We have a responsibility to everyone to ensure that WE are happy." All the best to you for ensuring your own happiness. :)