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Thank you for dropping in. This is a calm place where I post articles I have written about relationships and personal issues. The articles acknowledge the fact that we all face difficult challenges at some time in our lives and we need to support each other. I hope you find them of assistance in your own joys and struggles. Please feel free to comment and I will endeavour to always reply. I wish you, your friends and families good health, nurturing relationships, the precious gift of resilience – and all the best for all of those things in the coming year.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Back from the big wide world

I'm home. Finally, after four months of travelling, I am in my own home, sleeping in my own bed, and not living out of a suitcase. It's not a bad feeling – I live in a beautiful part of the world. So I feel almost guilty to admit I was in no hurry to return at all. To me, nothing is as good as travel, particularly when one has a compatible someone with whom to share it. Now I feel refreshed and renewed. Because I have seen different countries and cultures for the first time, it's as though my eyes have been opened. I am different. And I'm aware of what a privilege it is to be able to travel, particularly as not everyone can. In beautiful Sri Lanka, for instance, a third-world country I have come to like very much, the vast majority of the population could only dream about travel. We in the first world are so economically rich by comparison, but not necessarily richer in a spiritual sense. My eyes have also been opened to the vastness and variety of the good old USA where the food, social mixes, accents and music change from state to state, making it endlessly interesting. Previously, my ideas about it had been based on politics or what I read in the newspapers or saw on television. Now, to my surprise, I feel I can't get enough of the US, and I look forward to seeing more one day. I will always remember the interesting conversations and heart-warming encounters I experienced with many people, a couple of whom I now count as friends. It's hard to imagine that before leaving home, I had worried about whether I would miss it and want to return earlier. Now I feel liberated – nothing terrible happened as a result of stepping away from my old routines. The ground didn't cave in. This has caused me to consider the sense of responsibility that has always been such a part of my personal makeup. Next blog, I will write more about that. Until then, I wish you plenty of harmony, health and humour in your own life.

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